Your Child
Nurturing Environment
Children of all ages feel incredibly happy, safe and secure and explore the exciting nursery setting with remarkable confidence.
Our highly attentive staff take the time to know each child’s personality in great depth. They cherish each child's uniqueness. The children fully celebrate and respect what makes them different and the same as their friends and others around them.
Leaders and staff have the highest expectations for all children, regardless of their circumstances, and provide an extremely ambitious and dynamic curriculum. They plan an extensive range of exciting and challenging experiences for children to explore, investigate and discover new things.
Due to the expert support from staff, children rapidly gain the skills needed to flourish in their future learning and schoo​l.
Our Curriculum
Activities at Daisy Chain Nursery are gradually extended to maintain the children’s interest and give them the opportunity to reach their maximum potential through a process of increasing self-confidence and self-worth.
Our nursery school curriculum focuses on a number of key areas including:
Building self-awareness, self-confidence, emotional and physical development
Communication, language, literacy and mathematics
Understanding the world, communities and traditions
Developing expression through art, media and performing arts